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Telling Stories of Environmental Science Through Exhibitions at the Whyte

Currently on at the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, two new exhibitions take a new perspective on environmental issues impacting both our local and global environments. From the Amalfi Coast to the beaches of Tofino, B.C., and all the way to the remote corners and crevasses of Canada's important water sources - our integral glaciers - the artists and scientists in these exhibitions convey the state of our natural environments and the importance in protecting them.

Gallery 1

The exhibition opening on October 28th was a great success, as guests from all ages and backgrounds came to enjoy the show. Artists Josua Jensen-Nagle, Alexandra Ewen, Gennadiy V. Ivanov, and scientist and University of Saskatchewan professor John Pomeroy were all in attendance to discuss their work and engage with visitors.

Cold Regions Warming

Gennadiy V. Ivanov. Code Red for Peyto Glacier. 2021. Oil on canvas. 91 x 116 cm. Collection of the artist
Image 1

Cold Regions Warming is an interdisciplinary collaboration between artist Gennadiy Ivanov, Global Water Futures, and scientists John Pomeroy and Trevor Davies. Paintings, drawings, and videos depict locations in Canada where global warming has impacted glaciers, oceans, lakes, and rivers. Global Waters Futures is headquartered at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and aims to demonstrate global leadership in water science in colder regions.

From a scientific base, the group also addresses the needs of the national economy in adapting to change and managing the risks of uncertain water futures and extreme events. With the combination of scientific fact and exquisite art, the exhibition is designed to inform on various levels of appreciation.

On Saturday November 19th, please join the Whyte Museum for a panel discussion with the scientists and artist featured in this exhibit. Learn more about the event and purchase tickets here.

Check out the recent media coverage of Cold Regions Warming:

Whyte Museum exhibitions combine science, art | Craig Baird with Rocky Mountain Outlook

Eco-artists spread climate change message at fall exhibition | Marie Conboy with Bow Valley Crag and Canyon

Contemporary Consciousness

Contemporary Consciousness features the work of two artists who explore our oceans in contrasting ways. Canadian artist Joshua Jensen-Nagle’s beautiful photographic images impart scenes of beauty, calm, and restfulness. His images both remind us of our personal experience enjoying the ocean while considering the impact of a day of overpopulation and waste in our oceans and on its shores.

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Strewn to shore from the Pacific Ocean, bits of Styrofoam, plastic, rubber, and metal were washed onto the beaches at Tofino, B. C. Participating as a volunteer for the community cleanup project, trans-global artist Alexandra Ewen was struck by the magnitude of damage and consequential debris.

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It was clear the shore wash was microscopic in comparison to the quantity remaining afloat or beneath the ocean surface. With resourcefulness and compassion, Alexandra connected the oceanic resources with the culinary creativity of Japanese culture by reconstructing the garbage into exquisitely formed sushi meals, edible in scale and served to order.



Gallery 1: Fall exhibition opening at the Whyte Museum. Photos by Josh Segeleski.


Image 1: Gennadiy V. Ivanov. Code Red for Peyto Glacier. 2021. Oil on canvas. 91 x 116 cm. Collection of the artist.

Image 2: Joshua Jensen-Nagle. The Blue And You. 2016. Archival inkjet print face-mounted to plexiglass. 41" x 43". Collection of the artist.

Image 3: Alex Ewen, Shotgun Shell Ramen. 2019-2022. Sun-damaged microplastics, Styrofoam, multi-coloured fish line, fish nets, washed-up black rubber, balloons, shotgun shells, various ropes, cigarillo tip, pop lids, wrappers, and other assorted weather materials. Collection of the artist.



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